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With a legacy spanning over 160 years of craftsmanship, A.W. Bauer & Co. is entitled to innovate and deliver nothing but excellence with the finest bespoke shirt-making service in Scandinavia.




Very much like the creation of any Bauer's piece, making a shirt takes precision. A first-time client will be guided through each step of the way to ensure an accurate selection is made within the variety of fabrics and features.
More than this, the first meeting is really about creating a friendly environment, getting to know you better before covering all the elaborate details from measurements to styling.

The creation process has been made simple and straightforward for you to be able to take a step back and just enjoy the journey while we create the right garment for you.

Our approach is to have you in focus because, at the end of the day, a "perfect shirt" is only perfect if it's about you, who you are and how you intend to wear what we will make for you so that your garment always delivers the best version of yourself.

Once your initial shirt has been created, we advise you to let it endure the normal life of a garment for a few wears and washing cycles.

Should you have any question after this, just swing by the atelier any time. Adjustments can be done to make sure your shirt, and the next ones, fit flawlessly.


Our Master Cutters atelier division from Abruzzo, Italy, upholds centuries of handcrafting heritage. Nothing but the best of what's possible to achieve is made with their hands.
Italy actually stands as the last bastion in the world where the handcrafting tradition, resisting uses of machines, was preserved and passed down through generations within families and communities. This practice reflects, for the makers, a genuine Art form where each garment becomes a canvas for their creativity and the most refined skills.


Bauer's philosophy is to create unique garments meant to enhance life's special moments. To use Frederik's own words "Bauer is about embracing the present moment and living to the fullest. It's about getting closer to the essence of life itself".

Our doors are always open if you wish to try this experience for yourself or simply have a chat over a cup of coffee, discover the Atelier and share some pleasant times with us.


You are one of our client but unable to visit the Atelier? You live outside Sweden but still want to benefit from our bespoke shirt creation?
Get in touch through the contact form to have access to A.W. Bauer's unique remote bespoke shirt service.

Frederik Andersen

A.W.Bauer & Co is a modern bespoke-only service.

Located at Brunnsgatan 4 in Stockhom, Sweden.

We have outfitted men of distinction since 1863.

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